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Heritage Protection Plan

The National Heritage Protection Plan (NHPP) sets out how Iraq Heritage together with partners in the heritage sector, will prioritise and deliver heritage protection from 2014 to 2020. The main objective is to make the greatest use of our resources so that Iraq’s vulnerable ancient history is safeguarded in the most time and cost-effective way at a time of massive social, environmental, economic and technological change.


What Is the National Heritage Protection Plan?

The National Heritage Protection Plan is a major strategy that identifies parts of Iraq’s Heritage that matter to people most and are at greatest risk – and then concentrates on saving them. 


Why Does Our Heritage Need Protection Through the Plan?

Iraq’s ancient historic buildings, sites and landscapes are of great importance to telling our story as a nation and the story of humanity with it being the cradle of establishing community and a place for everyone. By encouraging tourism, producing jobs and providing the places where accessible to us. our heritage is also an important contributor to growth and prosperity within Iraq. But much of this heritage is at risk of damage or destruction: sometimes sudden and catastrophic, more often gradual and incremental – threatening the distinctiveness, character and appeal of the places we care about.  Damage can be caused by natural erosion, climate change, war, crime or poorly thought-through development. Decline often starts with neglect, abandonment or the loss of the skills needed for vital advice, maintenance and repair.

How the Iraq Heritage IHPP Action Plan Works

Iraq Heritage's own contribution to the IHPP is conveyed through our Iraq Heritage IHPP Action Plan.
This is divided into 8 Measures, these are further sub-divided into a Programme of focused Activities .The Activities address specific areas of work (e.g. places of worship, historic ports, strategic designation) that have been identified as areas of importance .

1- Foresight

Foresight is essential to a plan focused on establishing threats and developing responses. 


2 - Threat: Assessment and Response

This Group of Activities objective is aimed to offset or mitigate the loss of our most important heritage.

3 - Understanding: Recognition/Identification of the Resource

Rapid survey of areas of the country where even basic identification of what heritage we have is poor and where there is a real risk of losing nationally significant landscapes and assets before we even know what is at risk.

4 - Understanding: Assessment of Character and Significance

This Measure focuses on a range of themes and places which are insufficiently understood, threatened by change, and of potentially high significance.

5 - Responses: Protecting Significance

The development of formal protection systems, such as Designation, and the development and expansion of Historic Environment Records.


6 - Managing Change

This measure sets out Iraq’s Heritage's statutory role in the planning process, giving pre-application advice and providing timely, constructive advice on managing major change to the historic environment.

7 - Responses: Protecting and Managing Major Historic Estates

Protecting and managing change to the national collection of historic sites, properties and archives in our care and working with others who manage major historic buildings .

8 - Responses: Help and Advice for Owners

The provision of grant-aid and advice to owners and managers of heritage assets; and the funding of emergency investigation to offset the imminent and unavoidable loss of nationally significant assets.

Supporting Actions

In addition to the activities and projects detailed in the Plan, Iraq Heritage carries out general work, in support of the Plan, which we call “Supporting Actions”. Without these actions, the Plan simply can’t function properly. Examples of supporting actions include research into the way heritage is valued, developing professional training and guidance, sharing knowledge (e.g. through conferences, workshops etc.) or working to build community networks that will aid protect heritage.

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